Republicans say they will immediately 'repeal 87,000 IRS agents' if they retake Congress

El enfoque en la frontera se produce en medio de afirmaciones de que la administración Biden no está promulgando ninguna política para ayudar a sofocar la crisis migratoria prevaleciente.  En la foto: migrantes venezolanos caminan a lo largo del muro fronterizo de EE. UU. para convertirse en miembros de la Patrulla Fronteriza después de cruzar el Río Grande desde México el 21 de septiembre.
SEGURIDAD EN LA FRONTERA SUR Los republicanos quieren detener las alternativas a los programas de detención que permiten a los inmigrantes cruzar ilegalmente a los EE. UU., solicitar asilo y permanecer en el país mientras esperan los procedimientos legales para... Read more

Ukraine armed forces use Australian Bushmaster vehicles to retake ground from Russia

Soldiers from Ukraine's 80th Air Assault Brigade were seen in a video released Monday driving an Australian Bushmaster vehicle through a rural town that had just been liberated.
Ukraine’s armed forces have used Australian Bushmaster vehicles to recapture vital territory from Russia. Ukrainian Defense Minister Oleksii Reznikov revealed in a Twitter post on Monday that Australian-built military vehicles helped the country’s defense forces seize the Oskil River and... Read more

Republicans want to IMPEACH Biden if they retake the House – but GOP leaders silent as midterms loom

House Republicans are once again renewing calls to impeach President Joe Biden with less than three months to go before the midterm elections.
Republicans want to impeach Biden if they take back the House: The GOP wants to try the president for “serious crimes” on the border and the withdrawal from Afghanistan Some Republican lawmakers are signaling they will make impeaching President Joe... Read more